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.NET Blazor & Clean Architecture Masterclass
Welcome! (1:31)
About .NET 9 (2:10)
Let's get started!
Tools & SDKs (.NET Framework & Visual Studio) (1:37)
Create the Blazor Project (12:49)
Solution Overview (12:18)
Run the Application (8:25)
Quick Look at Stream Rendering with Blazor SSR (5:33)
What's next? (3:25)
Store your code with Git & GitHub
Download & Install Git (2:06)
Create a GitHub account (4:00)
Create a repository with Visual Studio (13:08)
Check out your GitHub repository (5:07)
Introduction to Clean Architecture
What is Clean Architecture anyway? (6:53)
Add the Domain & Application Layer (6:51)
Implement the Domain Layer (6:30)
Implement the Application Layer (5:07)
Add Dependency Injection (5:44)
Display Articles with Blazor (8:06)
Quiz: Clean Architecture
The Infrastructure Layer: Database & Entity Framework
What is Entity Framework? (2:50)
Merge & New Feature Branch (3:10)
Add the Infrastructure Layer Project (2:02)
Add the ApplicationDbContext (3:18)
Add the Connection String & the SQL Server Provider (4:40)
Wire it up with Dependency Injection (4:55)
Add an abstract base Entity (2:47)
Utilize Code-First Migrations (8:02)
Implement the Article Repository to retrieve data (3:39)
Display Articles from the Database (4:21)
Quiz: Entity Framework
Introduction to CQRS & the Mediator Pattern
What is CQRS & the Mediator Pattern (10:09)
Install MediatR Package & Add to Service Collection (3:12)
Implement a Query & replace the ArticleService (6:55)
Use the new GetArticlesRequest in Blazor (4:23)
Quiz: CQRS & the Mediator Pattern
CRUD with CQRS & Blazor SSR (Static Server-Side Rendering)
Use a Command to Create an Article (14:42)
Introducing Data-Tansfer-Objects (DTOs) & Mapster Mapper (16:55)
Create an Article with Blazor SSR (Static Server-Side Rendering) (28:50)
Restructure the Presentation Layer (6:41)
Update an Article & Fetching by ID (18:33)
Change the Components to Update an Article (24:57)
Quick Fix: Update an Article after creating one (3:24)
Delete an Article (17:32)
UX Improvements & Refactoring
Introduction (2:20)
Add a Result Object - Part 1 (10:21)
Add a Result Object - Part 2 (5:54)
Utilize the Static Implicit Conversion Operator (5:07)
Improve the Request Interface for Commands & Queries (7:01)
Change the Article Requests (11:33)
Clean our Code (2:42)
Change the Article Client Implementations (15:10)
Introducing Tailwind CSS (5:22)
Add Tailwind CSS to the Presentation Layer (2:22)
Create a New Layout (7:13)
Style the Articles Component (7:21)
Style the ArticleEditor Component (15:04)
Authentication with ASP.NET Core Identity
Introduction (9:01)
Add NuGet Packages (3:28)
Learning from the Default Authentication Template (20:32)
Add a User Interface & Class (3:34)
Change the DbContext & Adding Migrations (5:46)
Create an Authentication Service for User Registration & Login (10:19)
Register Authentication Services (3:59)
Create Login & Register Commands (6:21)
Implement a Registration Page (23:38)
Implement a Login Page (5:23)
Utilize the AuthorizeView Component (7:22)
Implement the Logout Page (5:13)
Secure the ArticleEditor Page (9:54)
Add the Author to Articles (24:07)
Authorization using Roles with ASP.NET Core Identity
Enable Roles with Identity (4:33)
Add Roles Manually & Control Access (9:08)
Add Role upon Registration (3:32)
Handling Issues When Adding Roles upon Registration
Display a Single Article (7:38)
What we have to change (4:42)
Add a UserService (6:31)
Add the HttpContextAccessor (8:27)
Implement UserService & an Exception (8:40)
Create an Article - Fixed (5:24)
Update an Article - Fixed (3:05)
Delete an Article - Fixed (2:07)
Query all Articles - Fixed (4:04)
Query an Article for Editing (6:37)
Display Edit Link in ArticleVIew (3:40)
User Management: Interactivity with Blazor Server
Enable the Interactive Server Render Mode (2:37)
Add a New Component & a NavLink only for Admins (5:33)
Implement the GetUsers Query (10:32)
Add QuickGrid (8:22)
Add Roles to the Grid (7:38)
Add a Button to change User Roles (5:48)
Implement the Modal Dialog (17:21)
Get the User Roles (5:15)
Add a Role (12:49)
Remove a Role (8:20)
Bonus: Pre-Rendering (10:23)
Article Management: Interactivity with Blazor WebAssembly
Enable WebAssembly Render Mode (2:39)
Add the Client Project (5:35)
Add a Client Component (6:26)
Add New Method to the Article Repository (2:03)
Implement the GetArticlesByCurrentUser Query (4:23)
Add the Controller (11:37)
Finally, the Client (7:58)
Add QuickGrid (8:04)
Implement a Toggle-Publish-Article Feature (15:55)
The Interactive Auto Render Mode
Implement the ArticlesOverviewService on the Server (4:15)
Introducing the Interactive Auto Render Mode (7:26)
Change the Controller (1:52)
Client Implementations (15:41)
.NET 9 Update
Updating to .NET 9 & Adding Scalar for API Tests (11:02)
About .NET 9
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