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Build a Real-Time App with Blazor & SignalR in .NET 8
Real-Time Multiplayer Game Development with Blazor, .NET 8, and SignalR
Creating a Project & a GameHub (3:35)
Introducing the OnConnected Event & the ConnectionId (3:33)
Implementing the Client (10:17)
Receiving all Rooms from the GameHub (6:25)
Implementing a Handler on the Client (3:10)
Creating a New Room (13:18)
Adding Players (6:17)
Creating a Room in the GameHub (7:51)
Joining a Room in the GameHub (3:15)
Introducing SignalR Groups (4:12)
Creating the Room Component with Blazor WebAssembly (12:19)
Expanding the TicTacToeGame Class (8:02)
Expanding the Room Component (6:54)
Starting the Game (6:15)
Drawing the Board (8:23)
Making Moves (15:16)
Bonus: Designing with Tailwind CSS (3:27)
Creating a Room in the GameHub
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